Hello all! I've been wanting to start this blog for a few weeks now, and finally decided on a name for it. The name is everything you know! FOOD EUPHORIA! I was so inspired by a vegan tempeh reuben sandwich i made today for lunch, i decided today must be the day i start my blog and let the world know about the delicious creations that i SO enjoy making in my kitchen. I'm starting my own Personal Chef business now, too, so i'll be experimenting with all kinds of foods and taking many, many food pics to share with you.
Euphoric: characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness-
This is what my cooking does for me! How can something as simple as a sandwich fill you with such euphoric delight you ask? I'll break it down, as this sandwich was a long time in the making! It could be the new Slow Foods mascot!
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow_movement )
The bread, is a sourdough rye levain i made a couple days ago, the kraut is a homemade garlic dill sauerkraut with organic cabbage from Suzies Farm,
the tempeh- marinated and sauteed with onions and garlic, the vegan thousand island dressing i made includes sweet refrigerator pickles jarred in my own kitchen about 2 months ago,
and lastly I snuck in a few slices of avocado that i just got at the Farmers Market from Paradise Valley Ranch this week. Upon eating this creation, i was simply struck by the overwhelming buzzing orgasm of foods taking place in my mouth, and moreover my entire being! All of these beautiful, lovingly made creations combined into this one masterpiece of a sandwich-
AHHHHHHH (angelic choir sound inserted). Of course not everyone may have this kind of sandwich or edible pleasure everyday , but it reminds me to always take joy in the nourishment i choose to put in my body and to also be conscious of how food can elevate me and to notice how it makes me feel- body and soul.
Tempeh reubens = cloud 9.
Thank you for joining me as i document my culinary state of bliss!
"Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity."~Voltaire